Mission Statement

Have you ever visited a website in search of how-to advice, only to discover that the author of said advice may not necessarily be an expert in the field? Say, for instance, that you wanted to know how to have arms that are proportional in length to the rest of your body. You go online, trusting that the internet would employ only the most knowledgeable individuals, and find what appears to be sound advice. You heed the writer's instructions, but wake to find that your arms have shrunken drastically, so much so that you can no longer clasp your hands in front of you. It becomes apparent that the so-called expert was actually a T. Rex. Tragically, there's nothing you can do about it now because your stubby little arms can't even reach the keyboard.

Scenarios such as this are becoming increasingly common, which is why I have started this blog. It is not only filled with practical advice for skills that I'm sure many of you long to master, but is also accompanied by a story detailing how I came to gain such unparalleled expertise on each topic.

I'm also here to earn exorbitant amounts of money to fund my future career as a professional shark diver. Due to a lack of educational institutions specializing in this trade, I am forced to find my own way by implementing the age old technique of trial and error. In order to do so, I need to purchase supplies such as chain link body suits, seal blood, and a yacht. The federal government has denied my application for a Pell Grant to support such endeavors, so I need you to give me money.